Dramatically increase your conversion

Marquiz is an easy-to-use online quiz builder designed for digital marketers
Marquiz quizzes drive higher engagement, boosting conversion rates without the need for budget increases, and lower the cost per lead without the hassle of endless optimizations and tricks
Tired of low-quality leads?
Invest just 10 minutes to craft your first captivating quiz. Install it on your website or drive targeted advertising traffic, and start collecting high-quality leads immediately
Vast scientific and business research on buying decisions
Beta launch
1000 paying customers milestone
First 100,000 quizzes created
Scaled the product and expanded on global markets
Became available in Portuguese and Spanish languages
Over 400,000 quizzes have been created by users
Received the G2 award as
a “High Performer Fall 2023” with a 5-star user satisfaction rating
We're thriving and help you thrive. What else do we need to improve to serve you better? Let us know
Start Page
Lead Generation Form

Looking for significant changes in the way you collect leads?
Consider Marquiz

All features available
on every plan
Create quizzes powered
by AI in just 60 seconds
Pay as you go
No credit card required
Get up to 70 bonus leads upon registration
No-code builder
Design with flexible customization
for a unique look
Versatile templates
for any niche
Advanced Quiz Builder for savvy marketers
Create your quiz for free

Emphasis on lead generation

Marquiz stands out from other lead form builders by offering cutting-edge features designed to captivate users and keep them motivated from start to finish. With these advanced tools, completion rates soar, ensuring users willingly share their contact information.

Conversion-boosting features

Marquiz harnesses the power of personalization, offering ample opportunities to enhance conversion rates and foster genuine engagement through meaningful dialogue with users.
Marquiz Pages
Build a landing page using the Marquiz builder to engage incoming traffic with valuable content. Craft a brief introduction about yourself or your company, leading seamlessly into a quiz.
Video consultant
Leverage the company's expertise and enhance user experience with video consultant tips.
Dynamic discounts and bonuses for completion
Motivate users more effectively to complete the quiz with a reward, an equivalent exchange for their time investment. Utilize simple yet effective triggers to boost conversion.
Effectively computes the cost of a product or service using a formula tailored to user responses. Enables segmentation of incoming traffic based on budget and guides users through price considerations.
Internal A/B testing
Quickly create multiple quiz variations, compare them, and strive for better results. One link, multiple quiz options.
True/False Quiz Format
Easily assess user knowledge and match them with the appropriate learning group, or engage in a knowledge-based game with the client to warm them up for a purchase. Create quizzes for self-assessment, drawing in a new audience to your product.
Still not convinced?
Сompare Marquiz's features with other form builders
At Marquiz, we believe in sparking meaningful conversations.
Quizzes inspire audiences to not just participate, but eagerly share their contact information.
Would you like to give it a try?
Sign up for free and get up to 70 leads to test our Marquiz.
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